Thursday, September 4

School lunch SCANDAL

This day just got exciting.

Today on the school lunch menu, it said we would be eating "Momo zeri" (jello with peaches in it) with lunch. BUT INSTEAD it was...a frozen mikan! It feels like the world is crumbling around me! What if tomorrow they feed me a live cicada! I cannot trust the school lunch menu ever again. As they say, fool me once...and such and such. The elevator of trust has bottomed out at ground floor, and my heart aches at the betrayal I`ve experienced.

In all seriousness now, why would you freeze a perfectly good orange? Much tastier at room temperature or lightly chilled, in my opinion.


Joe said...


Anonymous said...

Terrible. Really. ;)

Did you get the bread or the rice? I always kind of liked bread days.

Jessica said...

I'm not actually much for the Japanese version of white tastes off to me. But in the US I don't usually eat white bread, so what do I know!

Alita said...

Those evil lunch ladies!

Seriously though, I saw canned Mikan in the store the other day and was like "NO don't can my mikan"