Friday, September 19

Elementary = funfunfun

Today I observed two elementary classes another JET was teaching.

We played lots of fun games, like a game where 1 person was the "Wolf". The other children had to ask "What time is it Mr/Miss Wolf?" and then the wolf would reply with a time of day (any time) like say "3 o'clock!" Then the wolf took three steps, staring down the other children menacingly. This would happen again. The third time the children asked "What time is it Mr Wolf?" the wolf says "It's 12 o'clock!" And the kids all go "Aaaaaa It's lunchtime!" and the kids all run from the wolf and whoever is caught by the wolf is the wolf's "lunch"

Then the "lunch" becomes the next wolf. Rinse and Repeat.

This message brought to you by "Jessica's suggestions for ESL games ripped off from other teachers" available this coming April in bookstores everywhere.

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