Tuesday, March 10

I'd only just begun to know them...

Today we had our graduation ceremony at Nambu Junior High. The ceremony itself started at 10 and lasted an hour and a half. I understood what was being said about 40% of the time. I nodded off a little during the speech...but there was another guy who did too sitting almost directly across from me!

I got a wee bit choked up during the ceremony at times, but for the most part, it was a very somber and traditional affair that didn't stir much emotion in me.

But oh man. Then we had the send off in the parking lot. I LOST it and cried a bit. The worst was when the group of boys who always chatted the most with me rode off on their bikes. Hiroshi, Yuta, Kazuki...man I will miss those guys. One of the sweetest girls in the world gave me a hug and said 'Jessie-sensei don't cry.' (ジェシ先生泣かないで) I didn't even get a chance to say goodbye to many of the students I loved...truthfully, I loved them all. I knew all their names and my life won't be the same without them.

I hope I see them again.


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