Tuesday, January 13

Jessica comes to Japan, brings New York snow with her

Today we've got over a foot in accumulated snow and it is AWESOME. I walked to school in it, which was just like old times at college and AWESOME. Came to school and there were cars stuck in it every which way.

I had kinda wanted to drive here, but I don't have a snow shovel and my car was totally buried in it. Also, I would have also gotten stuck in the mess up at school so all things considered it's better I chose to walk, even if I did get temporarily lost going all googly-eyed at the winter wonderland.

The principal came over and told me this was the biggest snow in recent years. I then told him it was pretty much 'normal' for New York, with snow like this happening a few times a year, and worse snow happening a couple. I told him it make me nostalgic, and he laughed.

It's not to cold, only a right at freezing, and the perfect temperature for enjoyable snow shovelling. Here's hoping I can get that activity, since otherwise I'll be sitting here at my desk while the kids do tests all day.

Happy winter, ya'll!


Jonathan & Jennifer said...

Holly got snow in Japan for her BIRTHday!

Micquilter said...

Yeah!! Snow for Holly's birthday!!

Jessica said...

Yay for Holly! Yay for snow!

If only it were snowing now...