Wednesday, January 28

9 down, a billion to go.

I've been snowboarding 9 times this season. NINE. And would you believe that I'm angry at the weather this weekend? It's supposed to rain. I may not be able to go for the 10th time this season...I might have to wait til next weekend! NEXT WEEKEND people.

Honestly, it's probably better for me. I've been since last Wednesday. It's one of those low-grade illnesses that just threatens you with coughing and doesn't really put you out of business. Among my activities this weekend, I slept for 11 hours on Sunday night. It was bliss.

People around here are dropping like flies from the flu. I've personally never had the flu...but all the flu that's spreading around makes me wish I had decided to get a flu shot. I've never bothered to get a flu shot, mostly because I think I'm superwoman and don't get sick like that.

In my illness, I've started watching the series Battlestar Galactica. *first-year-Japanese-student voice* Eetsu Beery Eenturesutingu! (figure that one out)

I haven't been posting much because life is a little lame-o other than snowboarding, and I don't know that anyone wants me to write another 10 paragraph ode to the snowy mountain.


Sassa said...

Ooh, ooh, I know this one! Doesn't this mean you are currently "kazegimi desu"? I thought I'd never get a chance to use that.

I still have not seen any Battlestar. Friends here seem to either love it or find it incredibly dull.

Jessica said...

That's perfect!

Actually I just did the -kimi/-gimi thing in my self-study. It means like, a hint of, or an air of something. So 'sabishi-kimi' is 'an air of loneliness'.

Battlestar...the first time I tried to watch it I thought it was incredibly dull. Then I gave it another shot and love it. Or at least love it enough to manically watch the rest of the series.