Wednesday, December 10

Inoshishi 猪

I eat all kinds of strange things in Japan. Japanese mustard spinach, Komatsuna, a high in calcium green vegetable. Daikon, the famous gigantic radish of Japan. Hassaku, the citrus with the bite of a grapefruit and the pucker of a lemon. And one of my favorites, persimmon, the little orange fruit with a tough skin and a sweet, sometimes mushy interior. (better when not overripened)

So I was all game to try some inoshishi. Inoshishi stands for wild boar. My friend Keiko invited me to go with her to the dinner at her good friend's house. I went there and met her friend, his momma, his wife, and their cute little baby Kotaro.

Inoshishi was good! We had homestyle Yakiniku (grilled meat) on a skillet sort of thing. There was also pork, chicken, and beef provided, but I ended up enjoying the pork and inoshishi the best. Another thing Japan has changed about me is reversed my aversion to the fat on meats and the skin on chicken. I am not sure that's a good thing but it's the truth! Fatty meat is yummy meat...

I spoke mostly Japanese all night. Even to baby Kota.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

When I first moved there, there was a small inoshishi running wild through the rice fields and half the yakuba went to try and capture it. They finally got it into a cage (for that purpose), and the poor thing kept butting its head against the wire.

Guess what was for dinner that night at Ryokusuien? Good, though. ;)