Wednesday, February 4

再契約意思確認調書 (translated that means 'signing away the next year of my life')

Today I FINALLY turned in my 'Yes, I'll stay another year' form. AKA my recontracting decision form.

(Side note: the form is due on Friday. Sometime on Monday I thought to myself, hmm, I wonder where that form is? Isn't it due sometime in February? Then I found it. Then I realize, 'oh crap, THIS FRIDAY.' But turning it in was painless, just had to circle the 'Yes' and date it and sign it. But can you imagine if I had forgotten about it? I mean, classic Jessica behavior, but oy that could have been awful.)

At orientation, they told us that we would be facing this decision in February, the dead of winter, and that would make it harder. Harder to sign up for another winter, another February. But I loved January, and February is going pretty swell, at least the first 4 days of it. Silly orientation monkeys. Rather than being in a trough of culture shock, I'm finally adjusting to my surroundings and I LIKE February (It's like winter, but now with more sunlight!) and honestly...I just wish it could stay cold on the mountain so I could snowboard all year.

I feel good about staying two years. I kinda knew I would stay at least two years. I'm finally getting my roots here. It's been hard at times, but I finally have friends at work and friends at home and life is good.


satoshizzle said...

congrats for getting another contract:) でも危なかったなぁ(笑 you almost missin it

Micquilter said...

Glad you did not miss your sign-up date. We will miss you back here at home, but I knew you would be staying for two years when you went. After all it takes time to settle and make friends. We will see you, maybe you can come to the states for Christmas this year. Love ya kiddo, MUM