Monday, June 15


The year thusfar has netted me three minor sports injuries...

In February, I banged my shin on a metal rail while snowboarding.

In May, I threw out my back while running and spent 2 days in constant pain hardly able to move, and about a week severely impaired, and it's still not 100%.

And, this weekend, I fell off a skateboard and hit my hand on the ground, spraining it minorly in the process.

Who knows what else the year has in store for me!

Maybe bad luck comes in threes...and I'm done with it.


Joe said...

Tomorrow, you will get soy sauce on a pillow! BEWARE YOUR FOOD

satoshizzle said...

Next day, you will get punched in the breast(as known as "oppai").

optimusprime said...

Its time for good luck...Cheers..Live life like you are not gonna get tommorow...