Monday, February 23

大阪・神戸・智史 Escape from Tottori

This weekend I spend Friday night, Saturday, and Sunday in Osaka and Kobe with Satoshi. Much fun was had. Rundown of some of the highlights:

-Spent time surrounded by large buildings and tons of young people instead of barren rice fields and old people.
-Went to The Gap and bought some clothes
-Went to an Izakaya and somehow only spent $10 total on a ton of food, three drinks.
-Went to Kobe for the first time and walked around and saw cool places like Meriken Park, a random shrine, Lotteria.
-Got introduced to the wonderful world of '学習まんが' which is comics for children that teach children things like Japanese proverbs, sayings, famous poems, etc.
-Met Satoshi's awesome mom who did things like make us breakfast, make us dinner, offer me candy.
-Went 'looking for my people' in Amerika-mura which means 'America Village'...but haha there really aren't Americans there it's mostly a place to buy hip-hop fashion clothes and see people dressed up like gyaru-o and other Japanese fashion trends.
-Got to hang out with Satoshi, who is not only super cool, but also speaks English almost fluently and understands my Amerika slang.

The only moment of the weekend that utterly failed was when we tried on two different nights to ride back together from the station on Satoshi's one person bike.

This is not a bicycle built for two! EPIC fail!

Oh also I forgot my I only got a few shots with my cell phone! Oh time I'll remember.



satoshizzle said...

i already missed ya, 慈恵鹿!

actually that was my problem that we faced the Epic failll, cuz i still sometimes see some actually doing that. By next time imma get some "balancing" muscle:(

Jessica said...

I have very FAIL balance myself, so it was a cooperative effort.


I think it's my fault not yours!

satoshizzle said...

there gonna be another trial!

Micquilter said...

Sounds like of wonderful time. Ya'll sure did pack plenty into a few short days.