Friday, December 5

Weather forecast for the next 3 months of my life

Me: blahblah something Tokyo. Maybe I'll go to Tokyo for New Years.
Home-ec teacher: blahblah something Tokyo! I love going to the museums there!
Me: Me too! blahblah National Museum.
Home-ec teacher: Going to Tokyo in wintertime is so strange. It's not like here. They have cold weather, and snow, but they also have sunshine! Here it stays so cloudy.
Me: Tokyo has clear skies in the winter, but here it's always cloudy.
Home-ec teacher: That's right!
Me: That's Tottori for ya, huh?
Home-ec teacher: (with a big SMILE) yup!


Anonymous said...

That's why people in San'in drink so much - nothing else to do in the winter. Or so I was told.

Jonathan & Jennifer said...

Sounds like you could use a dose of South Texas "winter." Miss you!