Wednesday, October 14

ノーメーク、ノーライフ No make, no life.

Yesterday during the 3rd year classes, the students were given much of the period to study for their midterms today on their own. In one class, I happened to spend most of the class just chatting with one of the girls Rio, as well as a few other students, but mostly Rio.

The conversation started when I asked Rio if she was going to study. She said no, and then started staring at me. After a few moments...

' make??' ('no make' is kind of Japanese-English (和製英語) which means 'no make-up')
'Right, I have no make-up on.'
'kirei! Very Beautiful!'

Warm fuzzies. Awww.

The conversation lasted a while, and we discussed all sorts of things, like cooking and eye color and gyaru and the ideal kind of boy.

Rio is good at cooking, and doesn't want a guy who does 'girly things' like cooking. Nearby student Rina would prefer a guy who can cook and clean, because she can't do those things herself. I stated my preference for cooking-enabled men.

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