Tuesday, July 14

You know you've been in Japan too long when...

You know you've been in Japan too long when...

...a teacher remarks to the students that 'You should have no problem finishing your rice today, because there's seaweed! So eat up!' and you not only find absolutely nothing strange with this comment, you agree with it.

...you keep your AC on 28, and it feels cool to you because you spend the entire day in an office with an average temperature of 30 with only your handheld fan to keep you company.

...you really really want to eat cold noodles for dinner. Zaru Soba YUM.


Joe said...

Zaru Soba YUM.

Jonathan & Jennifer said...

I assume your thermostat is in Celsius. Otherwise, brrrrr.

Jessica said...

HAHA...add that to the list.

...you forget about America's backwards measurements system that doesn't line up with any other place in the world.