Tuesday, November 18

Fighting through the cold

Winter is starting to get here. I mean, it's still warmer than NY was, and it always will be, but in NY it was a trip in a parka from overheated room to overheated room, and here it's more like sitting in a 15 degree offices rubbing my hands together in a shirt and sweater. Then walking through 5 degree corridors to 10 degree classrooms to teach 50 minute lessons and am I losing you with the celsius yet?

(5 degree - 41 degree, 10 - 50, 15 - 59)

Solution is obviously to buy more sweaters. and turtlenecks. and start wearing a parka at ALL TIMES EVERYWHERE.

I fear for my electric bill...but I did up the efficiency of my apartment by plasticking my windows with bubble wrap.

Honestly I wouldn't mind so much if there weren't these ominous dark clouds. I can't see Daisen out my office window today...sigh.

1 comment:

Micquilter said...

I hear the secret to this might be layering. Or possibly a light jacket that can be put on or removed as needed.
Will it be more like the TX and LA winters, or hardly a cold day like here in FL.
Love ya, MUM