Wednesday, October 15

Tendencies of Mind and Body.

Back in high school, that one time I was in dance, I always had a bit of a problem in my stretching. From the beginning of the year, I had better flexibility in my right leg. But rather than redoubling my efforts and stretching my left leg more earnestly, I instead continued to devote more time to my right leg. I wasn't even trying to strive for balance, only putting in the bare minimum for my left leg.

Fast forward to my Japanese study. Early on, I got this knack for kanji (Japanese characters) study. I just enjoy the characters...I enjoy writing them, practicing them, learning new trivia about them...all very silly I know. But in the last two years, since the end of my grammar-based classes, I have focused on kanji to the detriment of my other skills.

What this all adds up to is a 167 on my JLPT 2 practice test. Maybe I should explain. The JLPT 2 is a test of Japanese vocabulary/kanji, listening, and grammar/reading comprehension. It is out of 400 points. You must get a score of 60% to pass the test. I got a 41%.

But do you know what I got on the kanji portion? Nearly 80%. Fabulous number, to be sure, but it's not going to pass the JLPT2 for me...kanji/vocab only accounts for 100 points of the score.

Oftentimes in my life I have let things fall by the wayside and focused on what I am really good at. In the context of out lives, specialization is required in order to find our careers and niches in the world, but in things like language study or stretching, balance is required. I can't get by just putting off doing those things I don't have as much skill only makes the imbalances worse and harder to correct.

I could read all the kanji in the world but still have trouble understanding the meaning of a sentence if I cannot parse the grammar forms used.

Today I studied grammar for over 2 hours. Yesterday I did a pose in yoga multiple times that I have difficulty with. I am working to regain balance...but balance is difficult.


inkawasaki said...

Still... 80% of JLPT2 kanji... that's pretty frickin' awesome!! You must be able to read a lot!

Micquilter said...

I am confident you will study to do what is necessary to accomplish the needed score on the test. You have always been a fighter and fought through the tough stuff to accomplish the goal. You never stopped in soccer no matter how hot the San Antonio sun was or how much that crazy coach yelled at the team. You also worked and studied hard for Quiz Bowl, Literary competition, SAT and the ACT. Once Jessica puts her mind to something she does not stop. :) Once again I am sure your tenacity and stubbornness to not settle for mediocre will push you to score well. Love, MUM

Jessica said...

Bec - YES. It's ridiculous. But knowing so much somehow makes what you don't know that much more obvious. I think my recognition is flying through the roof at this point, even if my ability to recall them/write them/read them is still only so-so. I can get the gist of almost any posted sign nowadays. Or just invent a meaning. Yesterday there was a sign with "aruku/walk" on it and a friend was like "What's that sign say?" and I replied "Something about walking." Laziness.

momma - thank you mommy! Your encouragement means a lot to me. :) I need to call you! bad kid I am.